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Board History

1997 to Present

Originally sponsored by the Ontario Training and Adjustment Board (OTAB), Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), Canadian Labour Force Development Board (CLFDB) and the Ministry of Education and Training (MET), the East Central Ontario Training Board (ECOTB) was incorporated on January 22, 1997 with the goal to help better understand the local labour market and enhance the development of the local workforce.

Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, we are one of 26 local boards across the province currently funded by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

In 1997, the Board put out its very first Environmental Scan, later known as the Trends, Opportunities and Priorities (TOP) Report. Today, through evidence based research and community consultations, the Local Labour Market Plan provides a map to addressing local labour force priorities. 

ECOTB’s focus has been, and remains, the advancement of our Local Labour Market – analyzing the past, present and forecasting the future of the local labour market sectors in our geographic region, which encompasses the counties of Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox & Addington. Local Labour Market information is collected through a process of community and partner consultations, surveys, and research. Consulting with our partners, this information allows us to formulate actions plans addressing local workforce issues in our communities. Results are included in our annual Local Labour Market Plan report, available to our community.

Over 150 projects have taken place in the community from career guides to skilled trades events, research reports to the HR Toolkit. They would not be the success they were if not for the community members who help turn ideas into actions.

As the new ‘Centre for Workforce Development’, we will continue to act as the compass to guide workforce development. With local input from the diverse people of Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox & Addington Counties, together, we will navigate the labour force challenges and develop solutions for our workforce!

To learn more about the history of the Board and the projects we have worked on, download our 20th Anniversary Booklet.