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Covering Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington Counties

Centre for Workforce Development

Helping Businesses, Job Seekers and the Community Understand the Labour Market.

At the Centre for Workforce Development (CFWD), we understand the daily struggles that our local employers face in retaining and growing their workforce. We work in partnership with local Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development and community organizations to develop solutions to their workforce issues.

CFWD collaborates with community partners on projects, events and initiatives. From workshops for businesses to career events for students and the public, CFWD leads, participates or supports in a variety of actions to help address local labour market issues and workforce development. To learn more about the current and past initiatives, please visit our Projects Page.

Reports developed to help local businesses, students and job seekers can be found on our Labour Market Information Page. This includes the Local Labour Market Plan, EmployerOne survey reports and the June 2023 release of the updated HR Toolkit.

Labour Market Information

Understanding what is happening in the labour market is important. Whether you are a job seeker, a student trying to figure out your career path or a business looking to establish or grow, labour market information is key to developing the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.


The Centre for Workforce Development conducts a number of projects each year in the community to address local labour force issues identified through conversations, consultations, research and the Local Labour Market Plan. A summary of the 2019-20 and 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 Projects can be found on each project summary page. The current projects that CFWD is partnered on or leading for the 2023-24 year are outlined below. Browse through the projects and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


The Centre for Workforce Development relies on our Community Partners to help provide research, conduct community projects, inform the community and develop collaborative solutions to local workforce issues.

Media & Events

Whether you are looking for a copy of our latest press release, an article on the labour market, local provincial or national or just want to know what events we are hosting, you can explore everything in this section! The Centre for Workforce Development (CFWD) is proud to announce its second ID & Employment Clinic of the year, scheduled for Thursday, October 24th, 2024 at the Bridge Street United Church Drop-In Centre in Belleville from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. This event is designed to support vulnerable and unhoused community members by providing essential identification and employment services to help them access jobs, training supports, healthcare and other critical public services. Learn more at chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

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