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Health Care Human Resources Report

March 25, 2020

The Health care industry across Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington Counties has seen significant growth over the past couple of years. However, the local workforce has not grown at the same rate and is also experiencing retention issues. These things combined, if not addressed and solutions identified, will put an already struggling workforce even further behind in providing an important service to the local community.

In 2018, preliminary research was done with health care providers in different sectors as well as Employment Ontario Service Providers. This research show gaps in several areas of the labour force, from both a supply and demand side.

In early 2020, CFWD conducted detailed research with employees in the industry to gain a better understanding of issues they felt health care faces, what they saw as the local industry strengths and possible workforce solutions to be considered. The results of the survey were presented at a forum where participants helped develop key initiatives and actions to the workforce issues identified.

The Health Care Human Resources Report shares the findings of the research, survey and consultations. It identifies the key initiatives and actions as well as the next steps for the community to take.

Download your copy of the report HERE.