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Youth-2-Youth Summit

In September 2017, the very first youth led summit, appropriately named Youth2Youth, was held in Tyendinaga Township. It saw 150 youth and 50 youth leaders participate in an awesome day.Today, United Way Hastings Prince Edward has developed Youth2Youth HPE. Through this, not only have they gone on to hold more youth summits, but also increase youth involvement in the local community.

Youth2Youth HPE is a youth led group with a mission to spark innovative thinking and work in partnership with community leaders to help increase solutions to local problems – identified by youth. The areas youth wish to see change in include, economic development, the environment, youth poverty, sexual health and substance abuse, mental health, social media, gender equality / diversity and filling community gaps. (This description comes from the Youth2Youth HPE Web Page)

For more information and to learn about how you can get involved, visit their web page!

Forestry in Ontario

Ever thought of a career in Forestry? Did you know there is a Specialist High Skills Major in Forestry program in high school? Check with your Guidance Counsellor to see if this is available in your high school. You can learn more about The Evolution of Forestry by watching the linked video. Although it was created a few years ago, it has information about the industry that is still relevant today.

Prime Minister’s Youth Council

The Prime Minister’s Youth Council is a group of young Canadians who provide non-partisan advice to the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada on issues of importance to them and to all Canadians. Youth today have a voice and this is one way of sharing it. Although the local Youth Councils are not currently operating, this is another way for youth to get involved and bring a local voice to the issues this area faces, including labour market challenges, education and training as well as the future of jobs.

Prime Minister’s Youth Council

Skilled Trades Handbook – 2023 Edition

The Skilled Trades Handbook has been updated as of August 2023!

What is an apprentice? What jobs are apprenticeable? How can I become an apprentice? These questions and many more are answered in our new 2023 Edition of the Skilled Trades Handbook!

Download a copy here 2023 Skilled Trades Handbook

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