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2019-20 Projects Summary

Throughout the 2019-20 year, CWFD was able to accomplish the completion of a number of research and strategic pieces. Links to reports that were developed as a result of these projects are available below. If you have questions about any of these projects, please contact Brad Labadie, Executive Director.

In-Demand Skilled Trades

The In-Demand Skilled Trades Report was released in mid-January 2020 and is available to download.

Health Care HR Strategy

After hosting a survey of employees and holding a forum, the Health Care HR Strategy Report was released in March 2020 and is available for download. If you work in the health care industry and would be interested in participating on the Steering Committee leading the next steps of this strategy, please contact Tara Macaulay, Project Coordinator at [email protected]

Eastern Ontario Participation Rate Research

CFWD led research across Eastern Ontario on the low participation rate in the labour force. The results of that research, Examining Labour Force
Participation in Eastern Ontario, was released in March 2020 and is available for download.

Rural Immigration Strategy

During 2020, CFWD led a Rural Economic Development (RED) project funded through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The project resulted in a Rural Immigration Strategy for Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington Counties. To learn more about A Roadmap to Newcomer Attraction and Retention in Quinte & Area and the partners involved, download the strategy HERE.