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Business/Job Seeker Opportunities

Over the past several years, the EmployerOne Survey found that the number one way that employers recruit is by word of mouth. This, combined with input during community consultations, identified a number of focus ideas that would assist with local Business/Job Seeker attraction, connection and retention opportunities.

For 2022-23, CFWD will focus on educating employers on the better use of digital technology to promote their businesses and the job opportunities within them. This will involve the following activities:

Develop and deliver a series of workshops for employers that will inform employers about:

  • On-line job posting (places, methods and thinking outside the box)
  • Website development best practices
  • Sharing corporate culture

These workshops will take place as panel presentations or virtual webinars in Fall 2022 or early 2023. Information for each workshop will be added below as they are developed and finalized.

Workplace Culture and Hiring

Employers, join Kirsti Stubbs on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the Acres at High Shores, Ameliasburg where she will be sharing insights on:

  • How a positive impact of fostering a great workplace culture can have in the hiring process.
  • How to create an attractive experience for both potential and current staff in the context of a highly competitive hiring landscape.

This will be an in-person only workshop. You can download a PDF about the workshop HERE or register directly for the event by clicking this link REGISTER

Website Development Best Practices

Employers, join Shari Pearce, SDP Communications on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11:00 AM – 12 Noon. She will be sharing tips and tricks to creating an engaging website to:

  • Promote Your Business
  • Promote Job Opportunities
  • Better Retain and Recruit Employees

This will be a virtual workshop. You can download a PDF about the workshop HERE or register directly for the event by clicking this link REGISTER