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Elementary Skilled Trades

This project is to develop a series of hands on workshops for Grades 5-8 throughout the elementary schools across Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington Counties. A Steering Committee of partners that includes Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board, Limestone District School Board, Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board , Loyalist College and Skills-Ontario will help guide this project.

Throughout 2020/21, the Steering Committee reviewed the local demand in skilled trades and identified 12 trades to concentrate on. From there, they narrowed their focus to the top four skilled trade in-demand: Welder, Carpenter, Chef and Electrician. The Pandemic caused the implementation of workshops around these four trades to be paused until students could return to in-classroom learning. The school boards along with Loyalist College and Skills-Ontario are currently working on the development of the workshops to ensure they can be integrated into the elementary school curriculum. As school resumes in September 2021, the Steering Committee will be ready to roll out the workshops and hands on equipment once it is determined safe to do.

The Parent/Teacher Committee Resource page has been develop to assist the school boards to inform parents through the Parent Involvement Committees about the careen paths within skilled trades. By providing this information, it will assist parents and their children on determining their high school education needs if they are interested in pursuing a skilled trade career.

This project has been funded by the Ontario Labour Market Partnership fund through the Ontario Ministry of Labour Training and Skills Development.